Increase Liquidity and Revenue
- With Ease.

Homeslice provides mortgage lenders and investors with tools to buy & sell, white-label, co-lend, find forward-flow and securitize.

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We're building a comprehensive suite of tools to enhance and simplify the B2B part of your lending business.


Connect to a vetted-partner and fund deals on an ongoing and guaranteed flow.

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Quickly find liquidity or bulk up your portfolio by buying/selling individual or books of mortgages.

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Connect to a vetted-white-label-partner who will fund and pay for the deals you decline.

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How we can help you

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How we can help you

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How we can help you
In Partnership With:
An official member of the Canadian Association of Private Lenders.
Canadian Lenders Association Approved Vendor.

To qualify, you must:

Be a registered lender, institutional or accredited investor in your jurisdiction with no infractions
Have signing authority to act on behalf of your organization
Authorize our EMD Partner to collect, store, process and approve your KYC/AML data
Your security and confidentiality is our priority.

Mortgage opportunities are sourced from highly vetted lenders and investors like yourself and only displayed to qualified channel partners.

Increase Liquidity and Revenue Today

Book a demo with us and learn how our match-making technology and robust ecosystem of lenders help unlock growth immediately.

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